Welcome to Full Circle Unlimited

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Additions!

I have made a decision... I am going to become an expert blogger...just don't know when. LOL.  I'm going to try to devote a little time everyday to reading my Bible and working on my blog.  Starting with the Bible first and then we will see how this blogging thing goes!  Trying to create a habit.  But, here are some of the things I have been working on since I last made an entry.  Little note....on the blue console...I am going to paint the inside doors...just ran out of paint and wanted to get a picture while it was overcast.  For some reason my colors come out better on my camera if it is overcast outside...  I am not a photographer.  After I master blogging I think I will work on my photography skills.  Also, the pink Cinderella vanity was a donated piece I made exclusively for the 2012 Gala for Children - Cinderella: Rock the Ball event held out at Kyle and Patty Petty's farm.  I'm told a lot of women came in ball gowns and had their pictures made at the vanity.  They says they will send me pictures of this... when I get them I will post them.  I can't wait to see that.  They took my picture beside it when I dropped it off.  Let's just say that will stay for my eyes only.  Definitely was not in a ball gown or expecting to get my picture made.  LOL. 

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