Welcome to Full Circle Unlimited

Thanks for stopping by to take a look at my current projects. I absolutely love doing this. It makes me happier than I ever thought it would. Hope you like it too!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Still Trying To Get The Hang of This BLOGGING Thing!

I don't blog often so each time I come here I have to retrain myself on what I need to do.  I'm sure I am really missing out on the benefits of blogging....but right now I'm in ignorant bliss!    I know I am following several blogs, but it looks as if I am only following one.  I have no idea how that happened.  My only guess is that I am following all of them as ME, Angie...and the one listed that I am following is being followed asby Full Circle.  Who knows?  Not me.  Any way... going to post more pics of items I have been working on.  Most are sold or were special orders. 

One new thing to report- I think it's pretty exciting.  I have been asked to donate a piece to a benefit silent auction for Randolph Partnership for Kids at the Kyle Petty Farm.  I'm very excited.  There is a Cinderella theme.  I am donating a vanity.  I"m thinking it will be a soft pink and I will line the drawers with black and white brocade fabric and the vanity stool I am getting to go with it has twisted wrought iron legs like ice cream parlor chairs.  I will put the black and white brocade on the seat and pad and tuft it.  The knobs will also have a black and white brocade print on them as well... At least that is the plan right now...I'm a woman... I may change my mind!  LOL.   

Back soon with more to post.......


  1. Angie, Congratulations. This is exciting! Also a wonderful opportunity for you that will have many doors and windows attached. I find that when I do one thing it always leads to something else. You can check out my blog. I am still learning but I have started doing more videos and plan to do How to videos and Studio presentations soon. I hope to see you this summer. Maybe we can get together as a group creative party here later on. Joy

  2. Hi there, Angie! I just found you from Craigslist and discovered we're neighbors. Your work is lovely, so I'm not surprised you were asked to donate a piece for the silent auction. ;)

    You'll get the hang of blogging. It just takes time...like most everything else. Practice makes perfect.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage
